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Osoba Me može spoznati kao Svevišnju Božansku Osobu samo predanim služenjem. Kada zahvaljujući takvoj predanosti postane potpuno svjesna Mene, može ući u Božje carstvo.
-- Bhagavad-gita 18.55 --
Članci ::
Članak, objavljeno: Pon, 29.01.07. 04:46

UPDATED! - Zbog lošijeg zdravstvenog stanja HH Sacinandana Swami otkazao je svoj dolazak u Zagreb i turneju nakon Vyasa-puje

Službena obavijest...

Dragi bhakte,

službeno potvrđujemo otkazivanje dolaska HH Sacinandana Svamija na proslavu
pojave Šri Nityanande Prabhua i njegove Vyasa puje koja se trebala održati u
Zagrebu od 29.siječnja do 02.veljače. Također se otkazuju turneje planirane
nakon Vyasa puje.

Koncert u HNK 28. siječnja će se održati. Svi izvođači su više nego
entuzijastični održati program. U postupku je traženje zamjene za HH
Sacinandana Svamija, te ćemo vam u najkraćem roku javiti tko će održati

Proslava dana pojave Šri Nityanande Prabhua održat će se prema slijedećem
rasporedu: daršan i kirtan u 07:30, a slijedit će lekcija, abhišeka i
kirtan; pauza za ručak te večernji program s početkom u 18:30 koji uključuje
jednostavni abhišek, nama yajnu i Nityananda-katha.

U srijedu će učenici HH Sacinandana Svamija proslaviti njegovu Vyasa puju.
Detaljan raspored cjelodnevne proslave utvrdit će se na sastanku učenika u
utorak 30.siječnja u 17:45 u hramu. Završetak službenog programa proslave
planira se u četvrtak nakon jutarnjeg programa.

HH Sacinandana Svami poslao je pismo u kojem izražava svoje veliko žaljenje
što ne može prisustvovati proslavama zbog svog zdravstvenog stanja i na taj
način služiti bhakte koji su namjeravali doći. "Vjerujte mi, iza svega ovoga
mora biti neki plan Gospodina Krišne. Ništa se ne pomiče bez Njegove volje i
ništa se bez nje ne prestaje micati, ako Gospodin tako želi."

Molimo, pridružite nam se u željama i molitvama za brzo ozdravljenje HH
Sacinandana Svamija. Hvala vam.


Evo i Maharajevog pisma (na engleskom jeziku) koje je poslao svim učenicima i bhaktama općenito na ovim prostorima. Pismo je preuzeto s javne konferencije na COM-u:

> Dear disciples, dear devotees,
> Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
> It is with the greatest of regret and pain that I must inform you that it
> will not be possible for me to give neither the public program in Zagreb
> nor to have my birthday celebration there.
> Also I have to unfortunately cancel my planned journey to Bosnia and
> Italy.
> I am honestly shedding tears that I cannot serve you this time.
> What happened?
> The doctor informed me that I really took the surgery at the last possible
> time. Serious complications where almost fructifying like an open leg and
> even more serious things. I feel he is right. Therefore, a lot had to be
> done in the surgery.
> First we all thought my regeneration would be a normal one (ten days
> resting and occasionally walking.) But due to the severity of the case, it
> has become complicated. There is an infection in the body. The pain became
> so strong so that I was crying tears (I wish they would have been tears of
> separation from my Lord). I became very weak and had to be brought to the
> toilet with Gaurahari"s help.
> Quickly the doctor decided to see me again and committed me to the
> hospital, where I am presently treated by a first class team of doctors. I
> am taking regular infusions against the infection and everything is under
> control. But I am unable to say when I get out of here and unable to make
> predictions when I will be able to do my regular service of travelling.
> Most probably I will celebrate Nityananda"s Appearance Day in the
> hospital.
> One might ask why I made the decision to go into the operation before such
> an important event as the annual celebration of Nityananda"s Appearance
> Day and my own birthday. I think on one level it was my somewhat naive
> underestimation of the severity and on another deeper level it was Krsna"s
> arrangement. On that level I think the Lord is personally stopping my
> movements.
> I am having very deep spiritual realizations which I will relate to you
> later.
> I am so sorry for those of you who made plans to come to Zagreb. I know
> that you have looked forward with the greatest of happiness to this
> occasion. But believe me, there must be a plan of Lord Krsna behind it for
> all of us.
> Nothing moves without the will of the Lord and no one has to stop moving,
> if the Lord does not wish it.
> I pray for all of you whenever I can.....
> I just wanted to inform you as soon as I knew one hundred percent so that
> you can make the appropriate arrangements. I am unfortunately not in the
> position at this moment to suggest what should be done. My only request
> is, please whole heartedly allow me to take the time which I need to
> become well enough for my service.
> Wishing you all the best and lots of spiritual strength,
> Sacinandana Swami

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