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- NGC Mandir
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- Nityananda Shakti dd
- Nrtya-Kisori dd
- Ostali autori
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- Preuzeto s pamho.net
- Puspa Gopal das
- Radhe Govinda das
- Ranga-nayaki dasi
- Revati dd (BiH)
- Revati dd (Zagreb)
- Saranga Thakura das
- Sarvanga Sundari dd
- Savyasaci das
- Seva Kunja dd
- Siddhi-sadhana das
- Sri Nanda Vraja das
- Sri Visnu Puri das
- Sridhara das
- Sunandana das
- Tirtha Sevana das
- Trivikrama das
- Tulasi manjari dd (Os)
- Tusti Mohan Krsna das
- Upananda das (Vt)
- Vasudeva datta das
- Vedasara das
- Više autora
- Vrindavan Bihari das
- Vrndavan Biharini dd
Trenutak inspiracije ::
Tako sam ovaj najuzvišeniji nauk prenio lancem učeničkog naslijeđa i sveti su ga kraljevi shvatili na ovaj način. No s vremenom je učeničko naslijeđe bilo prekinuto i zato se čini da je znanje u svom izvornom obliku prekinuto.
-- Bhagavad-gita 4.2 --
Komentari ::
Abhay das - Komentar, objavljeno: Ned, 05.12.10. 23:37
Opis Nrsimhi Mataji
Ovo je navodno pisao njen brat. Objavio netko na Facebooku:
Hare Krishna!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!All glories to all devotees!
I am thankful to Sacinandana Maharaja who is exceptional person. As pure devotee, He has been her true inspiration and experienced guide on the way towards the fulfillment of the ultimate goal of life.Attached is a copy of newspaper article about my sister. It was published around 1974. in (at that time prominent weekly magazine) "Ilustrovana Politika". I do not want to bother you with those life stories but maybe someone will get some inspiration from this on his own way to Krishna.
She was born 1959. years with severe congenital heart defect. She could not walk and she was easily getting tired. Her heart was so weak, that the doctor was afraid even to put stethoscope on her chest. After the first operation, at her age of six, the situation somewhat improved but still she could't go to school on her own. Our mom was carrying her in the arms. But nonetheless she was an excellent student. Eighth grade she ended as the best student in the whole generation.Her condition was unchanged until the next operation when she was eighteen. Although she could not regularly attend school, she finished high school with best grades.
Then she underwent one more surgery and began to live a little better. This was the first time that she was able to move independently although her motor skills was lost forever. All the time she was interested in everything related to India and itsculture. She became interested in yoga as well. The real revelation was herfirst book of Srila Prabhupada:" The Path Of Perfection" that I sent her 1993rd from Belgrade. That book has opened our eyes in miraculous way. It gave all theanswers to our questions about the purpose of life and everything that man is asking himself of. Soon she had all the books of Srila Prabhupada that are published in Serbian.Sometimes she was reading one book at a day. During one Kartika she read the entire Caitanya Critamrita. Even before the initiation she was very serious about the chanting of the Holly Names.
After visiting the concert of Sacinandana Maharaja in Belgrade there was no doubt who was her spiritual master. She was always very clear about what she wants. Same was regarding the question about choosing the spiritual master. There was no question that someone else could be her guru, other than that enthusiastic person she saw in Belgrade, that is filled with love for Krsna. His strict requests where no thread to her. From the very beginning she was very determent to fulfill the mall. She got initiation in the year 2003. in Skopje (Macedonia). The hard and exhausting trip to Skopje was no obstacle for her. Out of excitement she lost half of her luggage at that time. There was no happier person than her at that time, her legs didn't touch the ground while she was walking. It seemed that her desire from many lifetimes is now fulfilled. The moments in association with devotees where the happiest moments of her life. Wherever her Guru Maharajwas present in the region, she had to go to see Him. It was not at all problem to travel from Trebinje to Zagreb, Belgrade or Sarajevo, although on material level each of those trips was dangerous challenge for her weak body. She even went on sankirtan! While going alone door to door in her hometown she was openly preaching about Krsna to everyone. In small, close and conservative ambiance that was a great risk. Together with our mother she was singing with karatals Maha Mantra every day and our father read many books of Srila Prabhupada. Soon prasadam has beenintroduced as the obligatory way of eating in her home. Other devotees wherehappy to atone her mercy and they where happily visiting Narasimhi fromSarajevo, Nish and other places. All her day was filled with sadhana. The essence of her existence was to chant and to serve her Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Gaura Nitay. She was non-spoiled, innocent and childlike in her heart. She loved to saw outfits for her deities.She was spending hours and hours daily in her care for Them. There was no chance that she reduce the number of her daily rounds. Soon she increased to 24rounds and than to 48 round daily.
In critical situations we used to pray for each other. While she was going to that last surgery I was praying for her by reading Nrsimha kavaca. She lovedthat mantra. Her guru was recommending it. She was not afraid of surgery atall. On that day I have send her an SMS with encouragement from the BG 18.66"Just surrender unto Me. Do not be afraid. Surely I will protect you!" She humbly replied: "Yes. Now I have decided to surender to Him fully, even if itlast only for today." Her last battle for her health is not lost. Viewed by material eyes she left the body conscious after routine gall bladder surgery, but in fact I think that Krsna Himself took her, ending her suffering in that body. Only the Supreme Controller knows when is the right moment. She spent last five hours in the intensive care after the surgery. She communicated with the doctors by waving her head, but she could not speak. After few hours of struggle she left the body at 17:35 on the 1st of december 2010.
I am so thankful to Sacinandana Maharaja. He has provided support, guidance and meaning to her last earthly years. Devotees were often saying to her, that sheis getting an affection of Him because she is a serious devotee. She honestly thought that it was exaggeration and that she can not properly serve her Guruand the devotees. In one of her last conversation she told me something abouther relationship with her guru.
In one of the camps there was a magical box i nwhich the devotees could throw a few anonymous questions for Gurus to answer.It was an excellent opportunity to ask questions that, out of humility, she did not want to ask directly and openly. She asked what it means when, while meditating on Krishna instead of Krishna's form appears the form of her guru.It happened that Sacinandana Maharaj took out that question from the box. He said that He does not know what this means, but the student who asked that deep question can get the answer if he opens the Bhagavad gita and wherever itis opened he will find an answer. So she did this. The first thing she read was"The Guru and Krishna are non-different." Her comment was: "At first I felt bad that I caused my Guru Maharaja to feel inconvenient. But He knew the answer and out of His humility He didn't want publicly to proclaim that there is nodifference between Krsna and His representative guru".
Your servant Vijaya das
Hare Krishna!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!All glories to all devotees!
I am thankful to Sacinandana Maharaja who is exceptional person. As pure devotee, He has been her true inspiration and experienced guide on the way towards the fulfillment of the ultimate goal of life.Attached is a copy of newspaper article about my sister. It was published around 1974. in (at that time prominent weekly magazine) "Ilustrovana Politika". I do not want to bother you with those life stories but maybe someone will get some inspiration from this on his own way to Krishna.
She was born 1959. years with severe congenital heart defect. She could not walk and she was easily getting tired. Her heart was so weak, that the doctor was afraid even to put stethoscope on her chest. After the first operation, at her age of six, the situation somewhat improved but still she could't go to school on her own. Our mom was carrying her in the arms. But nonetheless she was an excellent student. Eighth grade she ended as the best student in the whole generation.Her condition was unchanged until the next operation when she was eighteen. Although she could not regularly attend school, she finished high school with best grades.
Then she underwent one more surgery and began to live a little better. This was the first time that she was able to move independently although her motor skills was lost forever. All the time she was interested in everything related to India and itsculture. She became interested in yoga as well. The real revelation was herfirst book of Srila Prabhupada:" The Path Of Perfection" that I sent her 1993rd from Belgrade. That book has opened our eyes in miraculous way. It gave all theanswers to our questions about the purpose of life and everything that man is asking himself of. Soon she had all the books of Srila Prabhupada that are published in Serbian.Sometimes she was reading one book at a day. During one Kartika she read the entire Caitanya Critamrita. Even before the initiation she was very serious about the chanting of the Holly Names.
After visiting the concert of Sacinandana Maharaja in Belgrade there was no doubt who was her spiritual master. She was always very clear about what she wants. Same was regarding the question about choosing the spiritual master. There was no question that someone else could be her guru, other than that enthusiastic person she saw in Belgrade, that is filled with love for Krsna. His strict requests where no thread to her. From the very beginning she was very determent to fulfill the mall. She got initiation in the year 2003. in Skopje (Macedonia). The hard and exhausting trip to Skopje was no obstacle for her. Out of excitement she lost half of her luggage at that time. There was no happier person than her at that time, her legs didn't touch the ground while she was walking. It seemed that her desire from many lifetimes is now fulfilled. The moments in association with devotees where the happiest moments of her life. Wherever her Guru Maharajwas present in the region, she had to go to see Him. It was not at all problem to travel from Trebinje to Zagreb, Belgrade or Sarajevo, although on material level each of those trips was dangerous challenge for her weak body. She even went on sankirtan! While going alone door to door in her hometown she was openly preaching about Krsna to everyone. In small, close and conservative ambiance that was a great risk. Together with our mother she was singing with karatals Maha Mantra every day and our father read many books of Srila Prabhupada. Soon prasadam has beenintroduced as the obligatory way of eating in her home. Other devotees wherehappy to atone her mercy and they where happily visiting Narasimhi fromSarajevo, Nish and other places. All her day was filled with sadhana. The essence of her existence was to chant and to serve her Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Gaura Nitay. She was non-spoiled, innocent and childlike in her heart. She loved to saw outfits for her deities.She was spending hours and hours daily in her care for Them. There was no chance that she reduce the number of her daily rounds. Soon she increased to 24rounds and than to 48 round daily.
In critical situations we used to pray for each other. While she was going to that last surgery I was praying for her by reading Nrsimha kavaca. She lovedthat mantra. Her guru was recommending it. She was not afraid of surgery atall. On that day I have send her an SMS with encouragement from the BG 18.66"Just surrender unto Me. Do not be afraid. Surely I will protect you!" She humbly replied: "Yes. Now I have decided to surender to Him fully, even if itlast only for today." Her last battle for her health is not lost. Viewed by material eyes she left the body conscious after routine gall bladder surgery, but in fact I think that Krsna Himself took her, ending her suffering in that body. Only the Supreme Controller knows when is the right moment. She spent last five hours in the intensive care after the surgery. She communicated with the doctors by waving her head, but she could not speak. After few hours of struggle she left the body at 17:35 on the 1st of december 2010.
I am so thankful to Sacinandana Maharaja. He has provided support, guidance and meaning to her last earthly years. Devotees were often saying to her, that sheis getting an affection of Him because she is a serious devotee. She honestly thought that it was exaggeration and that she can not properly serve her Guruand the devotees. In one of her last conversation she told me something abouther relationship with her guru.
In one of the camps there was a magical box i nwhich the devotees could throw a few anonymous questions for Gurus to answer.It was an excellent opportunity to ask questions that, out of humility, she did not want to ask directly and openly. She asked what it means when, while meditating on Krishna instead of Krishna's form appears the form of her guru.It happened that Sacinandana Maharaj took out that question from the box. He said that He does not know what this means, but the student who asked that deep question can get the answer if he opens the Bhagavad gita and wherever itis opened he will find an answer. So she did this. The first thing she read was"The Guru and Krishna are non-different." Her comment was: "At first I felt bad that I caused my Guru Maharaja to feel inconvenient. But He knew the answer and out of His humility He didn't want publicly to proclaim that there is nodifference between Krsna and His representative guru".
Your servant Vijaya das
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- Zagreb - Velika prilika za zagrebački hram!
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- Zagreb - Ratha Yatra 2021.
- Zagreb - MSF harinam 20.3.2021.
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- Zagreb - Maha-harinam 6.2.2021.
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Prijava ::
Vaišnavski kalendar
- Zagreb, Hrvatska
- Gaurabda 538
- Hrsikesa Masa
- 11.09.24. (sri) Astami (danas)
- Radhastami: Pojava Srimati Radharani
- (Post do podneva)
- 14.09.24. (sub) Ekadasi
- Post za Parsva Ekadasi
- (Post do podneva za Vamanadeva, a gozba je sutra)
- 15.09.24. (ned) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 06:34 - 10:45
- Vamana Dvadasi: Pojava Gospodina Vamanadeve
- (Post je dan ranije, a gozba danas)
- Srila Jiva Gosvami - pojava
- 16.09.24. (pon) Trayodasi
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura - pojava
- (Post do podneva)
- 17.09.24. (uto) Caturdasi
- Ananta Caturdasi Vrata
- Srila Haridasa Thakura - odlazak
- Kanya Sankranti (sunce ulazi u Djevicu)
- Posljednji dan drugog mjeseca Caturmasye
- Padmanabha Masa
- 18.09.24. (sri) Pratipat
- Sri Visvarupa Mahotsava
- Srila Prabhupadino prihvaćanje sannyase
- Počinje treći mjesec Caturmasye
- (mjecec dana posta od mlijeka)
- 24.09.24. (uto) Saptami
- Srila Prabhupadin dolazak u Ameriku
- 28.09.24. (sub) Ekadasi
- Post za Indira Ekadasi
- 29.09.24. (ned) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 06:52 - 10:47
- 10.10.24. (čet) Saptami
- Durga Puja
- 13.10.24. (ned) Ekadasi
- Ramacandra Vijayotsava
- Sri Madhvacarya - pojava
- 14.10.24. (pon) Dvadasi
- Post za Pasankusa Ekadasi
- Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami - odlazak
- Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami - odlazak
- Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami - odlazak
- 15.10.24. (uto) Trayodasi
- Prekid posta: 07:13 - 10:51
- 16.10.24. (sri) Caturdasi
- Posljednji dan trećeg mjeseca Caturmasye
- 17.10.24. (čet) Purnima
- Sri Krsna Saradiya Rasayatra
- Sri Murari Gupta - odlazak
- Laksmi Puja
- Tula Sankranti (sunce ulazi u Vagu)
- Počinje četvrti mjesec Caturmasye
- (mjecec dana posta od urad dala)
- Damodara Masa (Kartika)
- 18.10.24. (pet) Pratipat
- 21.10.24. (pon) Pancami
- Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura - odlazak
- 24.10.24. (čet) Astami
- Pojava Radha Kunde, snana dana
- Bahulastami
- 25.10.24. (pet) Navami
- Virabhadra - pojava
- 27.10.24. (ned) Ekadasi
- Post za Rama Ekadasi
- 28.10.24. (pon) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta je nakon: 10:03
- 01.11.24. (pet) Amavasya
- Dipa dana, Dipavali, (Kali Puja)
- 02.11.24. (sub) Pratipat
- Govardhana Puja, Go Puja, Go Krda.
- Bali Daityaraja Puja
- Sri Rasikananda - pojava
- 03.11.24. (ned) Dvitiya
- Sri Vasudeva Ghosh - odlazak
- 05.11.24. (uto) Caturthi
- Srila Prabhupada - odlazak
- (Post do podneva)
- 09.11.24. (sub) Astami
- Gopastami, Gosthastami
- Sri Gadadhara Dasa Gosvami - odlazak
- Sri Dhananjaya Pandita - odlazak
- Sri Srinivasa Acarya - odlazak
- 10.11.24. (ned) Navami
- Jagaddhatri Puja
- 12.11.24. (uto) Ekadasi
- Post za Utthana Ekadasi
- Srila Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji - odlazak
- (Post do podneva, a gozba je sutra)
- Prvi dan Bhisma Pancake
- 13.11.24. (sri) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 06:53 - 08:33
- 14.11.24. (čet) Caturdasi
- Sri Bhugarbha Gosvami - odlazak
- Sri Kasisvara Pandita - odlazak
- Posljednji dan četvrtog mjeseca Caturmasye
- 15.11.24. (pet) Purnima
- Sri Krsna Rasayatra
- Tulasi-Saligrama Vivaha (vjenčanje)
- Sri Nimbarkacarya - pojava
- Posljednji dan Bhisma Pancake
- Kesava Masa
- 16.11.24. (sub) Pratipat
- Katyayani vrata počinje
- Vrscika Sankranti (sunce ulazi u Škorpiona)
- 26.11.24. (uto) Ekadasi
- Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura - odlazak
- 27.11.24. (sri) Dvadasi
- Paksa vardhini Mahadvadasi
- Post za Utpanna Ekadasi
- Sri Kaliya Krsnadasa - odlazak
- 28.11.24. (čet) Trayodasi
- Prekid posta: 07:13 - 10:13
- Sri Saranga Thakura - odlazak
- 07.12.24. (sub) Saptami
- Odana sasthi
Ankete ::
Kada ste zadnji puta naučili napamet novi stih iz šastra?
(35 glasova)
Društvene mreže ::
Statistika posjeta ::
Trenutačno je 21 posjetitelj online Ova stranica pogledana je 452 puta.