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Trenutak inspiracije ::
Čak i ako se smatra da si najgrješniji od svih grješnika, ako se nalaziš na brodu transcendentalnog znanja bit ćeš sposoban prijeći ocean bijede.
-- Bhagavad-gita 4.36 --
Oglasi ::
narayan pandit das - Oglas, objavljeno: Pon, 19.08.24. 20:47

Ganguli's Mahabharata in English language, 15 volumes

It's been 30 plus years than new edition of this great epic has not been reprinted. Finally, for holy readers now appeared again in a slightly new format for the benefit of all, the Great Bharata/Mahabharata.

Srila Prabhupada in one room conversation mentioned that Gangulis Mahabharata is the most accurate and elaborate available edition. It has been translated towards the end of 18th century. Ganguli and couple of pundits were working continuously for 13 years to complete the work. (Any brave croatians to enter into samadhi?). Suta after hearing the epic on the sacrifice of Raja Janameyaja(where was spoken for the first time) spoke to the sages. They put on the scale (not literally) the Vedas and Bharata and concluded that Bharata has everything Vedas have and much more. Therfore the name Mahabharata came. Then 3rd recitation of Mahabharata started. Unfortunately we don't have yet croatian translation but those devotees eager to explore our history and update their spiritual life this is surely one of the greatest adventures to take.

There are or 15 hard cover volumes. There are approximately 6000 pages of text.

The weight is 11 kg and price is 169 euros without shipping.

I can help in shipping as well, usually its a reasonable cost.

Anyone interested in Great adventure can contact me on +91 84 393 87 577,

dasa Narayan pandit


Dvija-nayaka das - Komentar, objavljeno: Ned, 01.09.24. 21:31

U Srbiji su krenuli u samadhi...

Pamho, agtSP!

Hvala Narayan Pandit prabhu!

Drago mi je čuti za novo izdanje, sva slava izdavačima!
Metaphisica iz Beograda koja je objavila i vrlo lijepo prevedeno izdanje Valmikijeve Ramajane ( imam ju, za zainteresirane), također je krenula s prijevodom Gangulijeve Mahabharate. Biti će u 18 svezaka. Svakako ću se potruditi da i nju nabavim tj.prvi svezak kada izađe, (ob)javim ovdje.
Book reading and distribution ki jay!
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