Kalendar najava
Trenutak inspiracije ::
Onaj tko poznaje transcendentalnu prirodu Moje pojave i Mojih djelatnosti po napuštanju tijela više se ne rađa u materijalnom svijetu, već dostiže Moje vrhovno prebivalište.
-- Bhagavad-gita 4.9 --
Članci ::
Članak, objavljeno: Ned, 15.04.07. 17:26

HG Suhotra Prabhu napustio je ovaj svijet

Informacija je preuzeta s javne konferencije na COM-u

Dear Devotees,

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the departure of His Grace
Suhotra Prabhu from this world.

Since joining the gurukula full time in 2004 he worked continuously on the
study guide of the Srimad Bhagavatam, almost to the exclusion of anything

On Tuesday 3rd April, he announced to his class that he would be starting
a one month marathon of study and writing and wouldn’t be free to give class

It was not uncommon for Suhotraji to work 36 hours straight at times in
the privacy of his room, even taking prasadam in there. On Saturday 7th
April he mentioned that his mind had become very peaceful now that he could
immerse himself completely in his study and writing of the Bhagavatam guide.
He preferred to be left to himself when writing and would call for anything
he needed.

On Monday 9th April, Vagisa Prabhu went to call Suhotra Prabhu to take an
international telephone call. The door to Suhotraji’s room was latched from
the inside and the lights off. Since Vagisa Prabhu could not get any reply
he forced the door open and found Suhotra Prabhu lying on his bed, his back
against the wall and his feet stretched out in front of him, crossed at the
ankles. His right hand was in his bead bag and his left at his side. A light
chadder lay across his body and legs. Although it appeared that Suhotra
Prabhu has left his body some time before, Vagisa Prabhu called Madhava
Gauranga Prabhu who confirmed that he had gone.

The government doctor stated off the record that the visible signs were
consistent with a heart attack. Suhotra Prabhu’s body was subsequently taken
to Krishnanagar by officials of the government, accompanied by Rama Vijaya
Prabhu, and Jagannatha Misra Prabhu and other devotees from the temple for
the official post mortem. The results of the post mortem confirm the initial
report. Suhotraji left this world from massive cardiac failure.

In accordance with Vaisnava rituals his body will be cremated as soon as the
government officials release it

We at the Bhaktivedanta Academy feel the loss of Suhotra Prabhu deeply,
along with all other devotees who are his friends and well wishers.

Your Servants
The devotees of the Bhaktivedanta Academy.

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