Kalendar najava
Trenutak inspiracije ::
Oni koji obožavaju polubogove rodit će se među polubogovima, oni koji obožavaju pretke rodit će se među precima, oni koji obožavaju sablasti i duhove rodit će se među takvim bićima, a oni koji obožavaju Mene, živjet će sa Mnom.  
-- Bhagavad-gita 9.25 --
Članci ::
Članak, objavljeno: Pon, 19.08.13. 22:49

Kartik Navadwip mandal parikrama

Dear devotees,

Hare Krsna!

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila

It is our great pleasure to announce that for the first time
ISKCON Mayapur will be holding a six day Navadwip Mandal Parikrama during
the most auspicious month of Kartik (organized by the Mayapur Chadnra's).
The parikram begins on November 5th and ends on November 12th.

There will be two days break, one for Srila Prabhupada's disappearance day
(Nov. 7th), and the other for Gopastami (Nov. 10th), so that devotees may
participate in the festivals.

For this year, the parikram will not stay overnight; we will
leave each day from the ISKCON Mayapur campus at 5 AM and return no later
than 5 PM. In order to give more time to chanting and hearing pastimes in
the holy places, we have reduced some of the walking, and devotees will be
transported faster to the various places via boat and bus.

The cost of the parikram is Rs. 1,500 per person. This price includes all
transportation, snacks, breakfast, lunch, and drinking water for 6 days.

Kartik is the most auspicious month to perform spiritual activities, and the
weather is extremely pleasant and favorable, so please do not miss this
opportunity to associate with the devotees, to hear and chant the
glories of Lord Chaitanya, to bather in the Ganges, and honor prasadam
together in the various holy places.

For more information or to book contact us:
Via e-mail: Mayapur.chandras@pamho.net
Phone: Ashray Govinda prabhu (91) 959-353-8555/ (91) 869-780-6727

Your servants,
The Mayapur Chandra's team

Hare Krishna!
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