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Working at a job and remembering Krishna!
Working at a job and remembering Krishna
Working at an office seems NOT connected to Krishna. Why?
The temple has Deities who are directly Krishna. Simple. Cook for them. Offer Arati. Dress the Deities. Clean the temple. All are directly connected with Devotional service. Easy
Then there is other services in 9 fold process of Devotional Service.
Chanting Krishna’s Name, Hearing the Kirtan or hearing Srila Prabhupada’s books. Offering Puja to picture of Krishna at home. Still very direct and clear. Easy to fix your mind.
Working at an office or a job or even performing the duties to maintain the household (cleaning, shopping, laundry and many others) seem so indirect and disconnected. Especially when all the people around you are NOT devotees.
They are working and you are working. What is the difference? Same work, same boss, Same company. Similar daily routines and quite ordinary purposes and occasionally demoniac purposes.
We have an order.
But Krishna’s order is there.
BG 9.27 yat karoñi yad açnäsi
yaj juhoñi dadäsi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya
tat kuruñva mad-arpaëam
Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform—do that, O son of Kunté, as an offering to Me.
PPT. Thus, it is the duty of everyone to mold his life in such a way that he will not forget Kåñëa in any circumstance. Everyone has to work for maintenance of his body and soul together, and Kåñëa recommends herein that one should work for Him.
BG 9.28
In this way you will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results. With your mind fixed on Me in this principle of renunciation, you will be liberated and come to Me.
BG 18.57
cetasä sarva-karmäëi
mayi sannyasya mat-paraù
buddhi-yogam upäçritya
mac-cittaù satataà bhava
cetasä—by intelligence; sarva-karmäëi—all kinds of activities; mayi—unto Me; sannyasya—giving up; mat-paraù—under My protection; buddhi-yogam—devotional activities; upäçritya—taking shelter of; mat-cittaù—in consciousness of Me; satatam—twenty-four hours a day; bhava—just become.
In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me.
When one acts in Kåñëa consciousness, he does not act as the master of the world. Just like a servant, one should act fully under the direction of the Supreme Lord. A servant has no individual independence. He acts only on the order of the master. A servant acting on behalf of the supreme master is unaffected by profit and loss. He simply discharges his duty faithfully in terms of the order of the Lord. Now, one may argue that Arjuna was acting under the personal direction of Kåñëa but when Kåñëa is not present how should one act? If one acts according to the direction of Kåñëa in this book, as well as under the guidance of the representative of Kåñëa, then the result will be the same. The Sanskrit word mat-paraù is very important in this verse. It indicates that one has no goal in life save and except acting in Kåñëa consciousness just to satisfy Kåñëa. And while working in that way, one should think of Kåñëa only: "I have been appointed to discharge this particular duty by Kåñëa." While acting in such a way, one naturally has to think of Kåñëa. This is perfect Kåñëa consciousness. One should, however, note that after doing something whimsically he should not offer the result to the Supreme Lord. That sort of duty is not in the devotional service of Kåñëa consciousness. One should act according to the order of Kåñëa. This is a very important point. That order of Kåñëa comes through disciplic succession from the bona fide spiritual master. Therefore the spiritual master's order should be taken as the prime duty of life. If one gets a bona fide spiritual master and acts according to his direction, then one's perfection of life in Kåñëa consciousness is guaranteed.
Now what is the difference?
How does this order change things for a devotee?
Who is our boss? Who is providing our paycheck? Who are we trying to please in every task?
What does this mean as to the quality of work we perform? Why?
My story of my TEST? I suddenly Had to work alone with NO devotee association after having the daily association of another devotee who always guided me in my devotional service. I was very disturbed and perplexed, not knowing what to do. I was deeply disturbed and I went for a walk in the middle of the work day being overwhelmed with my soul searching question “ WHY Krishna?” Why was I now left alone to struggle at a job with no devotee association?
As I walked and chanted in the concrete jungle where there was only a few trees carefully planted every 100 feet in a little hole in the pavement. The trees were small, 7 feet tall. And in one there was a small bird’s nest and a little baby bird was alone in the nest struggling and chirping, trying to fly by himself. No mother or father or anyone to help him or protect him. Then suddenly the little bird fell out of the nest. As it struggled on the sidewalk gradually it began to fly a few feet and then suddenly it just took off flying. This all happened as I was intently praying to Krishna to reveal why I had to now struggle alone working at a job with no devotee association. So it became obvious that Krishna was showing me a lesson. Become strong, do my service of working at a job and also remember Krishna. Strength comes by testing. I was being tested now and I needed to become stronger in my faith and stronger in remembering Krishna by myself. No one could do that for me.
Otherwise we can break in a times of pressure or difficulty.
Requirements for needed strength.
[Ask audience for 3 or 4 devotional things they do daily to prepare themselves for work]
My suggestions are:
Strong sadhana is needed to be in correct devotional consciousness.
Maintain a principle of Chanting 8 or 12 strong attentive rounds before going to office. Its our cry for help and protection. Make it from the heart.
Hear the lecture of a sadhu or your guru in car or on train or even while walking . Use MP3 players, Internet classes. Or even reading Srimad Bhagavatam.
Eat ONLY Krishna Prasadam especially at work. Avoid restaurants and vending machines – they don’t help our consciousness. Nor are they healthy so they don’t give our body much strength
Perform Tulasi puja at home at night every day.
[Ask everyone what is their Biggest challenge at work or home?]
Memorize a sloka a week. Keep it on a card in your pocket or on your phone and look at it in any spare moment. This fixes your mind on the philosophy rather than mindless wandering over events of the day.
Read even 1 sloka at lunch or break and think about it during the day.
Keep a picture of Krishna and Guru near or on our desk. If not possible then in a drawer that you can open and look at periodically.
Minimize idle chatter with others around you.
If appropriate speak some philosophy to co-worker but be careful who you choose and how much time you spend. You might get an unfavorable reputation or management disapproval. Jobs are a contract where you promise to complete projects and assignments in a professional and timely manner and in return you will be paid an agreed amount. A job is not intended to be an opportunity to discuss philosophical or religious beliefs with co-workers. Most companies have rules prohibiting “religious preaching”.
Distribute sweets or cookies or prasadam at work. Leave it by coffee machine or in break room, or pass them out to co-workers once a week. Rarely does anyone complain and yet this is important preaching.
[Re-Read Ch 18.57 verse & PPT. Read 9.27 verse]
My recommendations for those who are working at a job.
Be a 1st class worker. Do the best job you can.
See your work as handed to you or requested by Krishna and Guru directly. Do it with that consciousness.
Remember that your house/home is a temple and your work is supporting and maintaining it. You are there to earn money for this reason. Do not do anything that would risk you losing your job. Rather treat as your service which you must perform expertly so that you can properly keep your family peaceful and Krishna Conscious.
DONATE to ISKCON and your local TEMPLE regularly. You get so much reciprocation from Krishna for this. It is a great pleasure and you will NEVER EVER be a Looser. Krishna will make sure you never are in need if you take care of HIM first.
. You get so much reciprocation from Krishna for this. It Krishna will make sure you never are in need if you take care of HIM first.Pray at office to Krishna to help you remember HIM and to understand this work is serving him.
Keep work area clean, organized and in a nice state that you would be prepared for a visit of your spiritual master or Srila Prabhupada at any time.
Plan your work and schedule your time. Keep the most important tasks first and give them ample time to complete. Use your schedule to plan to complete your project on time. You will get more done and your superiors will be pleased with you.
Prioritize your tasks and projects by due dates and importance.
Be friendly with your coworkers and respectfully friendly with your supervisor.
If your boss is unreasonable or gives you difficulty, take it as a challenge to satisfy him or her with in fair limits.
Endeavor to complete your work and projects within 8 hours. People waste so much time and then they have to work longer hours.
Take short breaks to keep fresh and spiritually enlivened.
You don’t need coffee to stay awake. Get up and move around, or stretch. Drink water or have a prasadam snack if you need one.
Get up and move around, or stretch. Drink water or have a prasadam snack if you need one.On really bad days or moments, have a devotee friend that you can call to help you remember Krishna or just to talk. With so much communication facility we are never alone.
In a really bad situation, remember that you are not trapped. Pray to Krishna to help you. Consider finding a new job.
Some ( too many) bosses and even coworkers are tyrants and abusive. Get help. You are never trapped. Krishna will help you get into a better situation.
Try to avoid the “more money” trap. Non-devotees are always trying to get higher pay just to increase their standard of material enjoyment. Keep your home and life simple and you will have far less anxiety and less pressure.
Avoid debt. Pay it off quickly so you can live a simple life. Then even if your pay is reduced or you lose your job you have far less anxiety and it is easier to remember Krishna. You can give more donations to the temple instead of paying so much interest to the banks.
. Non-devotees are always trying to get higher pay just to increase their standard of material enjoyment so you can live a simple life. Then even if your pay is reduced or you lose your job you have far less anxiety and it is easier to remember Krishna. You can give more donations to the temple instead of paying so much interest to the banks.
Be careful! Employers pay you for your work. That is usually their concern – how much you do and how good is your work. Listening to lectures or kirtans at work is often not acceptable except on break or lunch. Still you don’t have to waste time when you take a break. Use that break to hear or read enough to keep inspired. You have entered into a contract to give your time and expertise in return for a certain pay. Honor that and know that it will also please Krishna to do so.
My personal inspiration is Srila Prabhupada
Always remember Krishna and never forget Him.
How he inspires me to do this.
Remember his MERCY and his Personal Sacrifice
His selfless sacrifice and his boundless mercy
His tireless energy to preach to a fool like me
Writing his books at 2 AM every day of the week
His perfect solutions to every question that I could seek.
He was the first person for whom I felt love so very deep
There really is a nectar ocean attached to his lotus feet.
His service is all there is in my very short life
I can’t live without it whether in happiness or strife
To offer him What makes him glad is my true goal
It is the only thing that gives life to my heart and soul
His glance and oceanic smile are sweeter than sweet
Better than rasagullas they’re life’s biggest treat
He gave me a gift –the Name- a treasure so dear
That I try to capture it and hold it in my ear
It is worth far more than I ever can imagine
Each and every day its value keeps expandin
Such a friend as him I could never ever hope to find
No matter how I try I will never find anyone so kind
I just wish I could be with him just once more
To tell him that it is only him that I truly adore
I yearn so deep within my heart
For the day when we will meet and never part
. You get so much reciprocation from Krishna for this. It Krishna will make sure you never are in need if you take care of HIM first. Get up and move around, or stretch. Drink water or have a prasadam snack if you need one. . Non-devotees are always trying to get higher pay just to increase their standard of material enjoyment so you can live a simple life. Then even if your pay is reduced or you lose your job you have far less anxiety and it is easier to remember Krishna. You can give more donations to the temple instead of paying so much interest to the banks. . You get so much reciprocation from Krishna for this. It Krishna will make sure you never are in need if you take care of HIM first. Get up and move around, or stretch. Drink water or have a prasadam snack if you need one. . Non-devotees are always trying to get higher pay just to increase their standard of material enjoyment so you can live a simple life. Then even if your pay is reduced or you lose your job you have far less anxiety and it is easier to remember Krishna. You can give more donations to the temple instead of paying so much interest to the banks.
. You get so much reciprocation from Krishna for this. It Krishna will make sure you never are in need if you take care of HIM first. Get up and move around, or stretch. Drink water or have a prasadam snack if you need one. . Non-devotees are always trying to get higher pay just to increase their standard of material enjoyment so you can live a simple life. Then even if your pay is reduced or you lose your job you have far less anxiety and it is easier to remember Krishna. You can give more donations to the temple instead of paying so much interest to the banks. . You get so much reciprocation from Krishna for this. It Krishna will make sure you never are in need if you take care of HIM first. Get up and move around, or stretch. Drink water or have a prasadam snack if you need one. . Non-devotees are always trying to get higher pay just to increase their standard of material enjoyment so you can live a simple life. Then even if your pay is reduced or you lose your job you have far less anxiety and it is easier to remember Krishna. You can give more donations to the temple instead of paying so much interest to the banks.
- Dragi Karuna bhagavan prabhu napustio tijelo - sprovod
- Zagreb - ISKCON Zagreb - Izvještaj - Listopad, Studeni, Prosinac 2024.
- Zagreb - KAMPANJA - KUĆA
- ISKCON Zagreb - Izvještaj - Rujan 2024
- ISKCON Zagreb - Polugodišnji izvještaj
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- Gostovanje Devarsi Narade das u TV emisiji
- Hrvatska - The Jolly Swami knjiga
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- Zagreb - Interliber 2022
- Zagreb - MSF - 4.12.2021. - Zagreb
- Zagreb - 1. Divali - festival svjetla - u Zagrebu
- Zagreb - Ratha Yatra 2021.
- Zagreb - MSF harinam 20.3.2021.
- Zagreb - Harinam 13.3.2021.
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- Zagreb - Maha-harinam 6.2.2021.
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- Koprivnica - Radhastami u Koprivnici
- Zagreb - Radhastami 2020., Nova Jaladuta, Zagreb
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- Zagreb, Hrvatska
- Gaurabda 538
- Govinda Masa
- 19.02.25. (sri) Saptami (danas)
- 24.02.25. (pon) Ekadasi
- Post za Vijaya Ekadasi
- 25.02.25. (uto) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 06:41 - 08:20
- Sri Isvara Puri - odlazak
- 27.02.25. (čet) Amavasya
- Siva Ratri
- 28.02.25. (pet) Pratipat
- Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji - odlazak
- Sri Rasikananda - odlazak
- 03.03.25. (pon) Caturthi
- Sri Purusottama Dasa Thakura - pojava
- 10.03.25. (pon) Dvadasi
- Paksa vardhini Mahadvadasi
- Post za Amalaki vrata Ekadasi
- Sri Madhavendra Puri - odlazak
- 11.03.25. (uto) Trayodasi
- Prekid posta: 06:16 - 10:09
- 13.03.25. (čet) Purnima
- Gaura Purnima: Pojava Gospodina Caitanye
- (Post do izlaska mjeseca)
- 14.03.25. (pet) Purnima
- Jagannatha Misrin festival
- Gaurabda 539
- Visnu Masa
- 15.03.25. (sub) Pratipat
- Mina Sankranti (sunce ulazi u Ribe)
- 22.03.25. (sub) Astami
- Sri Srivasa Pandita - pojava
- 25.03.25. (uto) Ekadasi
- Post za Papamocani Ekadasi
- 26.03.25. (sri) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 05:47 - 09:57
- Sri Govinda Ghosh - odlazak
- 02.04.25. (sri) Pancami
- Sri Ramanujacarya - pojava
- 06.04.25. (ned) Navami
- Rama Navami: Pojava Gospodina Ramacandre
- (Post do zalaska sunca)
- 08.04.25. (uto) Ekadasi
- Post za Kamada Ekadasi
- 09.04.25. (sri) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 06:20 - 10:45
- Damanakaropana Dvadasi
- 12.04.25. (sub) Purnima
- Sri Balarama Rasayatra
- Sri Krsna Vasanta Rasa
- Sri Vamsivadana Thakura - pojava
- Sri Syamananda Prabhu - pojava
- Madhusudana Masa
- 13.04.25. (ned) Pratipat
- 14.04.25. (pon) Dvitiya
- Tulasi Jala Dan počinje
- Mesa Sankranti (sunce ulazi u Ovna)
- 20.04.25. (ned) Saptami
- Sri Abhirama Thakura - odlazak
- 23.04.25. (sri) Dasami
- Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura - odlazak
- 24.04.25. (čet) Ekadasi
- Post za Varuthini Ekadasi
- 25.04.25. (pet) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 05:52 - 08:17
- 27.04.25. (ned) Amavasya
- Sri Gadadhara Pandita - pojava
- 30.04.25. (sri) Trtiya
- Aksaya Tritiya. Candana Yatra počinje. (Traje 21 dan)
- 03.05.25. (sub) Saptami
- Jahnu Saptami
- 05.05.25. (pon) Navami
- Srimati Sita Devi (pratilja Gospodina Rame) - pojava
- Sri Madhu Pandita - odlazak
- Srimati Jahnava Devi - pojava
- 08.05.25. (čet) Ekadasi
- Post za Mohini Ekadasi
- 09.05.25. (pet) Dvadasi
- Prekid posta: 05:31 - 10:25
- Rukmini Dvadasi
- 10.05.25. (sub) Trayodasi
- Sri Jayananda Prabhu - odlazak
- 11.05.25. (ned) Caturdasi
- Nrsimha Caturdasi: Pojava Gospodina Nrsimhadeve
- (Post do sumraka)
- 12.05.25. (pon) Purnima
- Krsna Phula Dola, Salila Vihara
- Sri Paramesvari Dasa Thakura - odlazak
- Sri Sri Radha-Ramana Devaji - pojava
- Sri Madhavendra Puri - pojava
- Sri Srinivasa Acarya - pojava
- Trivikrama Masa
- 13.05.25. (uto) Pratipat
- 14.05.25. (sri) Dvitiya
- Tulasi Jala Dan završava
- 15.05.25. (čet) Trtiya
- Vrsabha Sankranti (sunce ulazi u Bika)
- 17.05.25. (sub) Pancami
- Sri Ramananda Raya - odlazak